Stem round 1

This is our four year we started to go deeper and deeper in our stem class we are studying about animal cell and plant cell. I never know anything about it before but after I learn it for 2 week I started to understand more about it. Let me tell you what I have understood so far about animal cell and plant cells. What is the difference between an animal cell and a plant cell?  A difference between plant cells and animal cells is that most animal cells are round whereas most plant cells are rectangular. Plant cells have a rigid cell wall that surrounds the cell membrane. Animal cells do not have a cell wall. There are so many organelles in animal cell and plant cell. The most important orgallen in an animal cell is nucleus, cytoplasm, ER, Golgi body, lysosome, nucleolus, mitochondria, cell membrane and for the most important for plant cell is Chromoplasts, Chromoplasts, Leucoplasts. The nucleus is the main function of the cell nucleus is to control gene expression and mediate the replication of DNA during the cell cycle. The cytoplasm is watery that helps the organelle flow around and also it helps the cell to keep in shape. ER is something that lets the nucleus stick to it and then the vesicle going to take the protein to the Golgi body. The Golgi body is a place that helps to change the shape of a protein and it also can add on something to a protein like a carbohydrate and a lipid. The lysosome is like a trash bin that it trying to collect all the trash in the cell and break it down with enzymes.midrochondria is a place that it create energy for every organelle to work well and the energy that it produces is  ATP. The last is cell membrane, cell membrane it can let other elements get into the cell or get out from the cell.


So for Chromoplasts are plastids that contain chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is a green pigment. It gives plants their green color. Photosynthesis takes place in chloroplasts. They capture sunlight and use its energy to make glucose. Chromoplasts are plastids that contain other pigments. These other pigments give flowers and fruits their colors. Leucoplasts are plastids that make or store other molecules. For example, some leucoplasts make amino acids. Other leucoplasts store starch or oil.

Math round 5

This is our round 5 of our math class, One thing that is really surprised me is that now, we have end our 5B book next year we going to get another new book. Let me tell you what we did in math class for this round. Now we are working on Angles, Average and Rate, Data Analysis, Algebra. The hardest one that it really hard for me is Data Analysis, It not really hard but it pretty confused because we need to use a lots of number in it. Another confused and hard is rate problem, It really hard for me for my first time. First at the first lesson it show that it is really easy but if we go deeper on it, it gonna be so hard but After 1 week later I feel fine with it. This is also can be my experience to not just look to something in easy way, because as you know first I thought it is really easy but it really hard. For the easy one is learn about percentage as you know percentage really helpful for us because now in the market they usually use percentage if their price go down. Percentages can be compared more easily than fractions mostly people use it to pain for money invest. Finally it run pretty fast I think now 60 student in Liger are running at the same level, no one better.

Multimedia round 5

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Stem round 5

In this round five we have learn so many skill. We learn about simple machine, there are 6 simple machine, They are Lever, Wheel, Axle, Inclined plane, Wedge Tools, Pulley, Screw. They really useful for our daily life. I have learn this thing before while I’m in exploration call stem engineering. So it gonna be easy for me because I know what we can use for all 6 of them, We also did a branstom with our group to make something include these simple machines. We brainstorm a really creative idea some of our idea is mostly using incline plane and pulley. We didn’t create it yet but if you have a free time we going to create it. We also learn a lots about motion and I think for motion I think it nearly the same as simple machine too because for simple machine it have 6 simple thing, and for motion it also have some small thing in it too like speed, force and ect. Finally I think this year I saw that I really improve because I feel like after I read some book this year it made me easy to understand so many word. I going to do the same thing for next year.


English literacy round 5

I am so surprised for this year because the English Literary theme is so interesting and it is Make (The Most Of Your Learning) This year we really focus on reading, Wait !! I think I forget one thing, Yeah! Widal test it is so close. Every year each student need to do a widal test to test what level they in. Let be back to our topic this year mostly the student is working individually In one day you need to schedule yourself to learn something that you want in the class like vocabulary log or reading novels book. Because the challenge for each student this year is to read one novel book and after reading it we need to have a conference with our teacher in the class to summarize what we understand from the story. I feel like this year helping a lots because I understand a lots of word that I never know before and that because the teacher told each student to create a docs to write a word that we don’t understand and then we need to find a meaning of the word and remember it. (Hoo) Another one is we also write an essay about How I change Cambodia too and here are the link to go to my docs: One more that it is really important to me is I really like my teacher in the class because she really help me in the class even she was really busy on his work and I appreciate that.

Khmer round 5

Omg!! It going really fast I can’t believe it but by the way this year is a really fun year. This year in khmer class we are focus on write in khmer. It is really hard for me sometime because there a lots of word that I never hear before so it hard for me to write. To be easy on that teacher trying to pronoun that word clearly until everyone in the class understand. We also

Divide a group to research on each topic. For my topic is about (How Cambodia losing land)  Here is the link to go to our slide :

When I know a lots about it, I can’t still believe it because It is too easy for them to take our land. I don’t want to be that again so, What I can do is I can just tell you to protect our culture. We also did a very big event in Liger too, and it call (Khmer literature even) We ask the people or different school to join our event. It was very fun, we perform some khmer dance to the audience and they was so happy, We also share some experience to each other. We also have a debate for people to join, if we win the debate they gonna receive the trophy. We also sing a khmer traditional song for three song. It is very fun

Stem round 4

For this fourth year stem we also do the experiment every week. I really happy that we have a experiment every week and now we are working on acid and base from what I learn from it I know that acid is something that is sour and base is something that is bitter. Mostly the teacher told us to read the article in the CK12 we learn a lots from ck12 it help us with our stem project here are the link to go to CK12 (


Math round 4



This is the fourth round of math class. We getting deeper and deeper into a hard lesson but it help us a lots while we are taking test now we are started to use 5B book and we are working on angle and learn a lots of rules of angle. At the start of angle we need to know some angle first like complementary angle, vertically opposite, supplementary angle, If you know all of that angle it gonna be so easy for you to learn angles. Now in the class we be more quiet because we doesn’t want to distract other people while they are learning we also have to do homework every week too. It hard but we have time to do it.

Multimidia round 4

Now round fourth is coming. It gets harder and harder but we also need to try hard too. Ask you know the last term we are learning about python. This term we also learn about python but a different category of python, It is Python Dictionaries this is one of my favorite python categories because of it easy to understand and it not really hard because we have an app call Trinket to help us with Python Dictionaries code. The app helps us to write code, it gives us an instruction to code. Here are an example:  ( To do this teacher need to know clearly about the app to explain to the student. For the app is free you can start to write your code if you click here: (


If you have any question feel free to ask.

Khmer round 4



This fourth round of Khmer class is so fun because now we are working on researching about vietnamese take cambodia land, We have discuss in team and getting the some ideas while we were discussing. The most fun in the class is now in each day teacher call two student to sing to get a point, I am too shy to sing in the class but I try my best to have a time to sing to get a point. My team also research about the quote from ton chey, This is a link that go to my slide.(


English round 4


In this round 4 in english literacy class we learn a lots of reading,writing, and listening but now We are working on porty and I have write two poem and I really love writing poem because It is relax for me. It can make my brain think creatively. Here are some of my poem




The first flower is so clean

But if we look between is not shine

And that people think we blind

They think their mind are perfect

Don’t let people say you blind

Because you not what they say




Don’t despair, always-

positive, never give up and looking-

down. You really need to climb up-

high so don’t scared if you climb really high. Never

Come back so it will disappear just looking-

forward to your future, until it can fall you down         


Never looking down always looking up


Literacy round 3



Third year coming, SO LAZY but I need to push myself to high level. Hannah have another activity for us. That activity is reading the book we have four book for study to read it is , the outsider, monster, look for alaska and wonder. I read The Outsider this story it is so good for young people because it book is mostly about gangster. It have six character in that story there are ponyboy, darrel, sodapop, Johnny, dallas and keith. My best part is on page 49 chapter 4

It start at 2:00 o’clock at night after ponyboy watch a movie with Johnny. PonyBoy come to his house late and his brother really care about his brother so when Ponyboy come his brother yell to him at that time ponyboy get very serious to his brother until his run out of his home. He also call Johnny to go with him too. But When he walk a little bit there a group of gangster come and want to hurt him but Johnny and ponyboy portent that they didn’t scared but the group of the gangster run and catch ponyboy but the gangster they didn’t want to hurt Johnny. Gangster hold ponyboy head and put in the fountain water UP DOWN UP DOWN and for Johnny when he saw them hurt ponyboy he take his knife from his pocket and kill 2 or 3 person in gang team and some they run away. This is my best part of my story.


Math round 3



This is the third year so the level started to get high. Now we have our new book is primary mathematics (5B). The lesson that we start is call decimals, we learn how to divide decimals, and rounding decimals,divide whole number at the end of lesson we going to have a small quiz. I hope that each student gonna have a good score on there quiz. We also have fun with our classmate and our teacher. Teacher always give us a fun activity nearly every, for HW it is not really hard we have one week to finish our HW and we have a lot of fun.

Steam round  3



For this third year I have study a lot about Carbon. This lesson it is so special for me because I never know what is carbon. Now I know nearly all of it, first thing that it inspire me is I never inside the human body also have carbon. You know how carbon get inside human body?

Let me explain first human didn’t have any carbon in side but because sugar it have a chemical call carbon so if you eat sugar the carbon inside sugar will transform inside your body. This lesson help me a lot in stem class.

Khmer round 3



For this third year teacher sokha told us to research about grammar/part of speech. We have divide the group to make the slide about grammar/part of speech. (grammar/part of speech) link below

Multimedia round 3



Third year the code is getting harder and harder. Now we learn about python while loop. Loop it is gonna perform an action until the condition is false. We also learning about break statement( stops the loop even if the condition is still true )

and continue statement (stops one repetition of the loop and goes onto the next repetition) we also have a HW every week (HW) link below

English round 2  



For this second year I learn a lot of new thing from English Literacy class. Now we learn how to read a new to know secondary source and primary source. What is secondary source? What is primary source?

Ex.Secondary source is the primary source is the work of literature.

Ex.Primary source is a someone who wrote about the work of literature.

We also learn about the history of the Halloween too. I am so excited that I learn about the history of Halloween that I never know before. But what I am sad is that we don’t have any homework packet anymore. I hope that in the third year I want my teacher to add homework packet back because even though I didn’t get the high score but I have understand a lot of work and also I know how to spell it too. I hope that homework packet will come back.

Technology/Multimedia round 2



For this year we have learn so much about Technology/Multimedia. Now mostly we learn about photography basics. She tell us the tip how to use the camera and also how to take a picture that look beautiful. She tell us all of the setting in the camera. First she ask us what is Shutter speed, Aperture, IOS, and, etc. When she finish told us how to take a picture she let us try to take a picture. But what I sad is that I not in Liger because I have a trip to mondulkiri. But it good to hear all of the information from my friend and my teacher Cidy.

Khmer Round 2



For this second years we learn a lot of new thing from Khmer class. We have 17 student in our class and one facilitator. His name is Sokha. We learn a lot how to read the story book. One day teacher Sokha told everyone to read the book call kolab pilin and each student need to pick one character in the book and for me I pick ba lat. Ba lat he is a bad guy that come to mess everyone especially chov chet and kon neri because both of them are a good character in the book. He chov chet father has past away and trying to find a job. Then the doctor come and tell chov chet to work at pilin. And when chov chet go to chol ratanak sambath house. Chov chet alway thing to his lovely girl that is the Chol ratanak sambath daughter. Her name is kon nari and she also love chov chet too. At the end both of them live with each other until they die.

Mathematics Round 2



In this second round we have learn so much about Math. We have one facilitator. Her name is Sam and 15 student in the class. Everyday each student need to spend one hour to learn math.  Math is one of my favorite class it have me a lot about how to measure the area. And for today we learn about how to find the area in the triangle and more. I have so much much in this class. Everyday Sam have divided us to put into a group to solve the lesson problem and sometime Sam have give us a homework to do on the weekend. Now we are working on review six. This my best part in the class. Sam when she explain to each student mostly they all understand because I think she have a lot experience of doing the teacher before.  

Khmer Literacy

Everyday we have one hour to learn in Khmer class. There are 18 students in my class. This year is a special year for Khmer class because this year the teacher tells us to write the poem in Khmer. As you know in Cambodia there are so many types of poem. For me, I write the poem about ( Be a good son)

( កាកគិតិ )                                




មនុស្សគេចិត្តល្អ                            ទោះបីគេក្រ មិនត្រូវរើសអើង


មនុស្សដូចតែគ្នា                            ពេលខ្លះគេឡើង ពេលខ្លះយើងកើន



បើបានបែបនេះ                            យើងកំសង្គីស ថាវាមានក្ដី


ខ្លះអត់ខ្លះបាន                                កំុអាងតែវៃ ព្រោះគ្មានសេចក្ដី




បើធ្វើមនុស្សល្អ                               បើសិនគ្នានសរ មិនបានជាមេ


គេមិនសរសើរ                                 ហើយមិនបានកេរ បើមិនធ្វើទេ




យើងមានចិត្តមួយ                          មិនត្រូវរំអួយ កំុឱ្យវាឡើយ


ឱ្យវារឹងមាំ                                       ហើយនឺងស្បះស្យើយ វាគ្មានចិត្តឡើយ




ពុកម៉ែជាធំ                                     គាត់មានគុណធ្ញន់ ជាអ្វីទាំងអស់


ធ្វើការរាល់ថ្ញៃ                                   មិនចេះនឿយហត់ គាត់មានអំណត់




ខិតខំប្រឹងរៀន                             បើអ្នកចង់មាន កុំធ្វើដូចភ្លើង


ខំតសូរឡើង                                តែកុំទំនើង           ព្រោះធ្វើឱ្យយើង




បុណ្យគឺមានពិត                       ដូចជាគំនិត យ៉ាងល្អពេកក្រៃ


បើសិនគ្មានបុណ្យ                   ដូចជាសត្វចៃ មិនដូចបក្សី                           




បើចូលអវិជយ័                       ដូចជាសេចក្ដី  ដែលបានធ្លាក់ក្រ


ដំបូងមានខ្លាំង                       ឥឡូវអស់ល្អ អស់ទាំងដំណរ




កាលនៅពីក្មេង                     ខ្ញុំចូលចិត្តលេង   សម្លាប់បក្សី


ឱតែមកផ្ទះ                           កើតទុករាល់ថ្ញៃ មិនដឹងជាអ្វី


This class is kind of my favorite class it calls Technology/Multimedia we learn so many things about it. In my class, there are 14 students and one facilitator. Her name is Cindy for the first time.We learn how to research something on the internet like Primary source and secondary source. After that, we learn how to use Adobe cloud. We learn how to use photoshop, Indesign and Lightroom. After that, the teacher tell us to edit the picture from Photoshop, Indesign and Lightroom and put it in PDF. I think that is so amazing because this is my first time that I using Photoshop, Indesign and Lightroom. This is my project.

Physical Science

Science is also my favorite class. In my class, there are 14 members and one facilitator. His name is Da. In one day each student also has one hour for study Science. In this year mostly we learn about Atom, Electron, Proton, and Neutron. And also we read the article to know more information that article is this article it helps us a lot and it has so many sections to learn and it makes me confident because for what I think it has no mistake and it shows us a clear information.


Math is the class that I like the most in essentials. In one day we have 4 hours for the student to learn math. In my class, there are 10 member and one facilitator her name is Sam. We learn math from the book called Primary Mathematics and now we are on a 5A level, 5A level it is not really hard and it not really easy it is medium. Basically, the book is about fraction, Multiply and Divide Fractions and now we close to Perimeter it talks about Area and Surface Area.   

English Literacy, Round 1

In one day we have one hour to learn English Literacy. There are 15 students in my class and one teacher. Her name is Hannah, This year we basically learn a lot about the word and reading skill and every Monday the teacher will each student a homework packet and all the student need to finish it by next Monday and we also have a Quiz on that day too. And this week we also learn a lot more about reading an article from the Newsela like William Shakespeare. When we read it finish we need to answer a question in the article.