How I change Cambodia (2018-2019)

How I change Cambodia


There are about 10 million plastic bags are being used in Phnom Penh, so what about if we think of the hold country, It a lot. From what I have learned is plastic is really useful for our daily life. Example if I ask 100 people in Cambodia I believe that nearly all of them said that plastic is useful for them. 


Did you think about the effect? It really affects our planet events to humans too. said that It really effects to our marine life because for Example: if you throw a plastic bags into an ocean fish or some animal gonna come and eat it and it’s gonna cost a really big problem. 


My team is learning how to stop people to not using the plastic bag but it does not really work so then we come up with an idea to go to different provinces to present to a village and also to a village chief. After 1 month later I hear that province is a less plastic bag, we were really happy to hear that! Let me tell you what we have presented to the villagers, we didn’t tell them to stop using plastic but we tell them to recycle plastic because ask you know most of the villager, in one day they use lots of plastic bags so we tell them to recycle plastic for example if today they got 2 plastic bags the next day they gonna use that plastic bag again, they can change the plastic bag every 3 or 4 days so that it’s gonna less plastic in the village. We also made a video to encourage people to know more about the plastic bag. 


Another exploration we did to change Cambodia is engineering because as you know in Cambodia there a problem that the kid in Cambodia in some provinces they didn’t really know about engineering. We create this exploration because we want to encourage the kids in Cambodia to learn about this stem project.


 In this exploration we have divided the students into 3 groups to do a different project after 3 weeks we went to a school to tell the student about what we are doing and most of them are really confused on our project but after 1 hour later. They understand what we are doing and they look so passionate on the project that we tell them to do. The end of our project we call 5 to 6 students to tell us what is passionate about what they are doing today and how they feel and we also got a really great reply from them. That is it for this exploration, so let’s go to another exploration that can help to change Cambodia.


 In this exploration is mostly about nature, It is Ecotourism. We have two round for this exploration, I join this exploration in round two and I didn’t understand anything about Ecotourism. Ecotourism is a form of tourism involving visiting fragile, pristine, and relatively undisturbed natural areas, intended as a low-impact and often small scale alternative to standard commercial mass tourism (A connection with nature and community).


 After 2 weeks later we have been to chombok that located in Kampong speu province. We have been there to see the example of an Ecotourism there. 4 week later we have been to Preah Vihear province choam pen community. On the first day that we were there, we ride a hand tractor to get into a forest. We learn so many things from our guide and one more what we have seen so far is we can create an Ecotourism there. To do this our team working really hard together to make this Ecotourism we have met with different people in the community especially with a district garment in that community. Most of the people in the community they really surprise with our project and they want this project to have. But we didn’t promise to them yet, We don’t if this project going to work or not but if it works the community going to be developed. From what I have said that I also want this exploration to get up so I’m going to try my best because most of the people in the community they really want this exploration to be work. That is it I don’t have anything to talk but I believe that these three projects going to help to change Cambodia in one day.

Stem engineering Exploration (4)

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Literacy round 3



Third year coming, SO LAZY but I need to push myself to high level. Hannah have another activity for us. That activity is reading the book we have four book for study to read it is , the outsider, monster, look for alaska and wonder. I read The Outsider this story it is so good for young people because it book is mostly about gangster. It have six character in that story there are ponyboy, darrel, sodapop, Johnny, dallas and keith. My best part is on page 49 chapter 4

It start at 2:00 o’clock at night after ponyboy watch a movie with Johnny. PonyBoy come to his house late and his brother really care about his brother so when Ponyboy come his brother yell to him at that time ponyboy get very serious to his brother until his run out of his home. He also call Johnny to go with him too. But When he walk a little bit there a group of gangster come and want to hurt him but Johnny and ponyboy portent that they didn’t scared but the group of the gangster run and catch ponyboy but the gangster they didn’t want to hurt Johnny. Gangster hold ponyboy head and put in the fountain water UP DOWN UP DOWN and for Johnny when he saw them hurt ponyboy he take his knife from his pocket and kill 2 or 3 person in gang team and some they run away. This is my best part of my story.


Math round 3



This is the third year so the level started to get high. Now we have our new book is primary mathematics (5B). The lesson that we start is call decimals, we learn how to divide decimals, and rounding decimals,divide whole number at the end of lesson we going to have a small quiz. I hope that each student gonna have a good score on there quiz. We also have fun with our classmate and our teacher. Teacher always give us a fun activity nearly every, for HW it is not really hard we have one week to finish our HW and we have a lot of fun.

Steam round  3



For this third year I have study a lot about Carbon. This lesson it is so special for me because I never know what is carbon. Now I know nearly all of it, first thing that it inspire me is I never inside the human body also have carbon. You know how carbon get inside human body?

Let me explain first human didn’t have any carbon in side but because sugar it have a chemical call carbon so if you eat sugar the carbon inside sugar will transform inside your body. This lesson help me a lot in stem class.

Khmer round 3



For this third year teacher sokha told us to research about grammar/part of speech. We have divide the group to make the slide about grammar/part of speech. (grammar/part of speech) link below

Multimedia round 3



Third year the code is getting harder and harder. Now we learn about python while loop. Loop it is gonna perform an action until the condition is false. We also learning about break statement( stops the loop even if the condition is still true )

and continue statement (stops one repetition of the loop and goes onto the next repetition) we also have a HW every week (HW) link below

English round 2  



For this second year I learn a lot of new thing from English Literacy class. Now we learn how to read a new to know secondary source and primary source. What is secondary source? What is primary source?

Ex.Secondary source is the primary source is the work of literature.

Ex.Primary source is a someone who wrote about the work of literature.

We also learn about the history of the Halloween too. I am so excited that I learn about the history of Halloween that I never know before. But what I am sad is that we don’t have any homework packet anymore. I hope that in the third year I want my teacher to add homework packet back because even though I didn’t get the high score but I have understand a lot of work and also I know how to spell it too. I hope that homework packet will come back.

Technology/Multimedia round 2



For this year we have learn so much about Technology/Multimedia. Now mostly we learn about photography basics. She tell us the tip how to use the camera and also how to take a picture that look beautiful. She tell us all of the setting in the camera. First she ask us what is Shutter speed, Aperture, IOS, and, etc. When she finish told us how to take a picture she let us try to take a picture. But what I sad is that I not in Liger because I have a trip to mondulkiri. But it good to hear all of the information from my friend and my teacher Cidy.

Khmer Round 2



For this second years we learn a lot of new thing from Khmer class. We have 17 student in our class and one facilitator. His name is Sokha. We learn a lot how to read the story book. One day teacher Sokha told everyone to read the book call kolab pilin and each student need to pick one character in the book and for me I pick ba lat. Ba lat he is a bad guy that come to mess everyone especially chov chet and kon neri because both of them are a good character in the book. He chov chet father has past away and trying to find a job. Then the doctor come and tell chov chet to work at pilin. And when chov chet go to chol ratanak sambath house. Chov chet alway thing to his lovely girl that is the Chol ratanak sambath daughter. Her name is kon nari and she also love chov chet too. At the end both of them live with each other until they die.

Mathematics Round 2



In this second round we have learn so much about Math. We have one facilitator. Her name is Sam and 15 student in the class. Everyday each student need to spend one hour to learn math.  Math is one of my favorite class it have me a lot about how to measure the area. And for today we learn about how to find the area in the triangle and more. I have so much much in this class. Everyday Sam have divided us to put into a group to solve the lesson problem and sometime Sam have give us a homework to do on the weekend. Now we are working on review six. This my best part in the class. Sam when she explain to each student mostly they all understand because I think she have a lot experience of doing the teacher before.  

Outdoor Leadership


This is the exploration call Outdoor leadership. We have 15 student and 2 teacher in our exploration.I have some picture for you to see what we are doing in our exploration. In the first day of our exploration the teacher ask us about nature. What is NATURE?  


This for my answer: Nature is everything around you, nature is a helper.

This when we are learning how to setup the tent because we know that we gonna have a trip to kirirom, So we need to prepare our stuff.

After going to kirirom the teacher also teach us about CPR. What is CPR?


C : Cardio (heart)

P : Pulmonary (lungs)

R : Resuscitation (recover)

We learn a lot of heart compression and to know if they are breathing.


This is when we arrive to the waterfall in kirirom call Waterfall number 1. When we go there we saw a lot of forest animals.

After going to that waterfall. We also finding a place to stay for one night. This is the image that the teacher teach us how to use a camping stove. But unfortunately our camping stove is not working so we need to find the natural stove. What next

This when we trying to create fire by natural stove. It a little bit hard for us to create the fire with the natural stove. We have divided the people. Some they need to go to find the wood for the fire and some people they help to make a campfire and some people they helping each other to cook the food.

This when we enjoy our marshmallow it was awesome.

After we enjoy our marshmallow. We also sing together and dance around the campfire and This is my memory that I can’t forget. Also this is our last day of our trip. In the morning we gonna go back to Liger.

After arrive Liger for two week we also have another trip. This is our big trip of our exploration that we been to mondulkiri. This is on the way to mondulkiri province.

This image is when we arrive to RDI in mondulkiri province. This when we have dinner with bread.

Cooking tomato.

We divide the tomato with each other to be equal. When the tomato cook we really enjoy our tomato on fire.

In the morning we been hiking to the waterfall for 4 kilometer.

Finally we been to the waterfall. We have one professional photographer that help us take the beautiful picture. We been to four waterfall and in the morning we come back to Liger.

Khmer Literacy

Everyday we have one hour to learn in Khmer class. There are 18 students in my class. This year is a special year for Khmer class because this year the teacher tells us to write the poem in Khmer. As you know in Cambodia there are so many types of poem. For me, I write the poem about ( Be a good son)

( កាកគិតិ )                                




មនុស្សគេចិត្តល្អ                            ទោះបីគេក្រ មិនត្រូវរើសអើង


មនុស្សដូចតែគ្នា                            ពេលខ្លះគេឡើង ពេលខ្លះយើងកើន



បើបានបែបនេះ                            យើងកំសង្គីស ថាវាមានក្ដី


ខ្លះអត់ខ្លះបាន                                កំុអាងតែវៃ ព្រោះគ្មានសេចក្ដី




បើធ្វើមនុស្សល្អ                               បើសិនគ្នានសរ មិនបានជាមេ


គេមិនសរសើរ                                 ហើយមិនបានកេរ បើមិនធ្វើទេ




យើងមានចិត្តមួយ                          មិនត្រូវរំអួយ កំុឱ្យវាឡើយ


ឱ្យវារឹងមាំ                                       ហើយនឺងស្បះស្យើយ វាគ្មានចិត្តឡើយ




ពុកម៉ែជាធំ                                     គាត់មានគុណធ្ញន់ ជាអ្វីទាំងអស់


ធ្វើការរាល់ថ្ញៃ                                   មិនចេះនឿយហត់ គាត់មានអំណត់




ខិតខំប្រឹងរៀន                             បើអ្នកចង់មាន កុំធ្វើដូចភ្លើង


ខំតសូរឡើង                                តែកុំទំនើង           ព្រោះធ្វើឱ្យយើង




បុណ្យគឺមានពិត                       ដូចជាគំនិត យ៉ាងល្អពេកក្រៃ


បើសិនគ្មានបុណ្យ                   ដូចជាសត្វចៃ មិនដូចបក្សី                           




បើចូលអវិជយ័                       ដូចជាសេចក្ដី  ដែលបានធ្លាក់ក្រ


ដំបូងមានខ្លាំង                       ឥឡូវអស់ល្អ អស់ទាំងដំណរ




កាលនៅពីក្មេង                     ខ្ញុំចូលចិត្តលេង   សម្លាប់បក្សី


ឱតែមកផ្ទះ                           កើតទុករាល់ថ្ញៃ មិនដឹងជាអ្វី


This class is kind of my favorite class it calls Technology/Multimedia we learn so many things about it. In my class, there are 14 students and one facilitator. Her name is Cindy for the first time.We learn how to research something on the internet like Primary source and secondary source. After that, we learn how to use Adobe cloud. We learn how to use photoshop, Indesign and Lightroom. After that, the teacher tell us to edit the picture from Photoshop, Indesign and Lightroom and put it in PDF. I think that is so amazing because this is my first time that I using Photoshop, Indesign and Lightroom. This is my project.

Physical Science

Science is also my favorite class. In my class, there are 14 members and one facilitator. His name is Da. In one day each student also has one hour for study Science. In this year mostly we learn about Atom, Electron, Proton, and Neutron. And also we read the article to know more information that article is this article it helps us a lot and it has so many sections to learn and it makes me confident because for what I think it has no mistake and it shows us a clear information.


Math is the class that I like the most in essentials. In one day we have 4 hours for the student to learn math. In my class, there are 10 member and one facilitator her name is Sam. We learn math from the book called Primary Mathematics and now we are on a 5A level, 5A level it is not really hard and it not really easy it is medium. Basically, the book is about fraction, Multiply and Divide Fractions and now we close to Perimeter it talks about Area and Surface Area.   

English Literacy, Round 1

In one day we have one hour to learn English Literacy. There are 15 students in my class and one teacher. Her name is Hannah, This year we basically learn a lot about the word and reading skill and every Monday the teacher will each student a homework packet and all the student need to finish it by next Monday and we also have a Quiz on that day too. And this week we also learn a lot more about reading an article from the Newsela like William Shakespeare. When we read it finish we need to answer a question in the article.