Stem round 5

In this round five we have learn so many skill. We learn about simple machine, there are 6 simple machine, They are Lever, Wheel, Axle, Inclined plane, Wedge Tools, Pulley, Screw. They really useful for our daily life. I have learn this thing before while I’m in exploration call stem engineering. So it gonna be easy for me because I know what we can use for all 6 of them, We also did a branstom with our group to make something include these simple machines. We brainstorm a really creative idea some of our idea is mostly using incline plane and pulley. We didn’t create it yet but if you have a free time we going to create it. We also learn a lots about motion and I think for motion I think it nearly the same as simple machine too because for simple machine it have 6 simple thing, and for motion it also have some small thing in it too like speed, force and ect. Finally I think this year I saw that I really improve because I feel like after I read some book this year it made me easy to understand so many word. I going to do the same thing for next year.